Vulture Gulch Gallery

Inspired By Love, Fluff, Fins & Feathers

Who Is Vulture Gulch?

Vulture Gulch hatched from a series of seemingly random events organized by the Universe (and its minions). With a Bachelors in Art History and Visual Arts from Purchase College in NY, me Paige Hoose, the artist never believed a livable wage could be eeked out doing what I love. Which is making things!


Sano’s Bicycle Company

24” x 24” Oil on canvas - Sold Commission

mr. octopus

34” x 60” - Steel, Wood & Oil Paint - SOLD

Night Patrol

30” x 40” - Oil on canvas - SOLD

Innana of Mesopotamia

30’ x 40” - Oil on canvas - Sold Commission

Meerkat Sunset

30” x 40” - Oil on canvas - Available (in Process) - $1,200.

Under the Sea

30” x 72” - Oil on canvas - Sold Commission


Camo Design Hat

$ 29.00


$ 143.00


$ 89.00

Nut Butters

$ 301.00

Camo Design Hat

$ 29.00


$ 143.00


$ 89.00


$ 301.00

Get in Touch

To Begin the Creative Process for an Original Piece of Artwork, please leave your information below. We can begin via text or email. I do not have a large inventory of original pieces, as most have been custom requests prior to selling. My work varies, from small drawings on paper to large wood and steel paintings. I even weld steel furniture upon request. Your ideas foster the physical manifestation!
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